THE TEA with Nicky
TEA with Nicky
Life in Black & White: Contraception & Male Friendships

Life in Black & White: Contraception & Male Friendships

We're baaaaaaack! 😎 Join Sips and myself on another episode of Life in Black & White; where we speak about Contraception, including a slight change in direction to speak about friendships with men. We delve into our personal contraception journeys: what we were on, what happened and what we are doing now. 😱 We change pace to speak about male best friends that we've had for years, and how we have navigated those in our lives in spite of expectations. 👫 We spill the tea on the contraceptions that we've used, the stories that unfolded, and our thoughts on the age-old question: Should there be a male contraceptive pill? Plus, we discuss where the responsibility for contraception should lie. 💭 Before I get anything in the comments section: 💙 Yes, I do say UID instead of IUD throughout - my apologies, but you know what I mean. And I admit I was not informed of what endometriosis is exactly and make a wrong statement saying it involves cysts (which I know is PCOS). I am learning. That is one thing sex-ed in SA never taught us - potential uterus conditions. Tune in for a candid, eye-opening discussion. 👀

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THE TEA with Nicky
TEA with Nicky
Spilling all "The Tea" you want to hear about FAILURE; from corporate spaces to sports fields, and all the emotional stuff in between 🦄
I am a full-time Digital Recruitment Consultant for the prestigious global recruitment agency known as Salt 🧂. I was also the Future Females Cape Town Ambassador 💕. I have a passion for female empowerment, physical and mental health, and encouraging people to reach their full potential.🥰
In my current role, my livelihood is dependent on me speaking to and interviewing prospective candidates and placing them at their dream job or role. 👏