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#4. LIFE IN Black & White

Dishing on Upcoming Elections: ANC & DA

🎙️✨ Get ready to dive into the political funhouse with our latest episode of Life in Black and White! 🎉🗳️ This time, we're spilling the tea on the upcoming elections, and trust us, it's a rollercoaster ride! 🎢

So here's the scoop: We've decided to "upskill" ourselves and get down and dirty with the nitty-gritty of the parties vying for our votes. 📚💡 From reading manifestos to sharing our opinions and raising all the follow-up questions, we're on a mission to decode the political puzzle together! 🤔🔍

In this episode, we're shining a spotlight on the ANC and the DA. 🌟✨ Sure, they hadn't dropped their manifestos at the time (hello, suspense!), but that didn't stop us from dissecting their moves post-SONA. Oh, and did we mention the Power Bill the DA's been drafting? 💡💼

Now, we'll be honest: we might not have been as prepared as we should've been. 🙈 But hey, that's all part of the journey, right? 🌱 So buckle up, stay kind, and join us as we stumble, learn, and grow together in this crazy political maze! 🌟💼

Mentioned links:

  1. Cyril’s reign 2019 - 2014:

  2. Cool Story Bru - Call Centre Shack:

  3. Andre de Ruyter’s tell-all:

  4. Business Tech article:

  5. Newzroom Afrika: EFF and ANC reject Provincial Power Bill


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THE TEA with Nicky
TEA with Nicky
Spilling all "The Tea" you want to hear about FAILURE; from corporate spaces to sports fields, and all the emotional stuff in between 🦄
I am a full-time Digital Recruitment Consultant for the prestigious global recruitment agency known as Salt 🧂. I was also the Future Females Cape Town Ambassador 💕. I have a passion for female empowerment, physical and mental health, and encouraging people to reach their full potential.🥰
In my current role, my livelihood is dependent on me speaking to and interviewing prospective candidates and placing them at their dream job or role. 👏