THE TEA with Nicky
TEA with Nicky
39. Siv Ngesi spills on "I'm not pro-women's right, I'm pro-human rights" & "I'm always cocking up"

39. Siv Ngesi spills on "I'm not pro-women's right, I'm pro-human rights" & "I'm always cocking up"

Meet Siv Ngesi: Actor, Comedian, Trailblazer! From Cape Town's vibrant streets to screens big and small, Siv's journey is a whirlwind of talent and charisma. His career spans Disney magic, award-winning comedy, and critically acclaimed films like "Knuckle City." But he's more than a star; he's a force for change. Siv breaks gender norms and uplifts his community. As "Sivanna," he dazzles in drag, spreading joy and laughter, or swinging from the pole showing us that it I not only a feminine sport. Join us on the podcast as we dive into topics about feminism, GBV, what cancel culture is actually doing for us, and failure.

Don't miss the TEA!

THE TEA with Nicky
TEA with Nicky
Spilling all "The Tea" you want to hear about FAILURE; from corporate spaces to sports fields, and all the emotional stuff in between 🦄
I am a full-time Digital Recruitment Consultant for the prestigious global recruitment agency known as Salt 🧂. I was also the Future Females Cape Town Ambassador 💕. I have a passion for female empowerment, physical and mental health, and encouraging people to reach their full potential.🥰
In my current role, my livelihood is dependent on me speaking to and interviewing prospective candidates and placing them at their dream job or role. 👏